Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Only a day away

Ok cheesy title I know,but give me a break I can't be creative all the time.So anyway DH had a four day weekend over Easter so we took advantage of the amazing weather to spend some time together as a family WITHOUT the cell phone.We decided to take the girls to Elbow falls.The drive down the back roads from where we live has some incredibly beautiful scenery and lots of winding roads that are far less traveled than the major highway.So that was our route of choice.Usually DH revels in the fact that he can go around the corners at break neck speeds but this time I had to take over driving part way there because he was falling asleep at the wheel.Not exactly my idea of excitement. The day was warm and sunny and the falls were not exactly a secluded hideaway but it was enjoyable none the less.Although I really wish I would have considered my choice of footwear before going out there.We also discovered what a little daredevil "monkey doodle" is.I have a feeling that we will have to keep a close eye on this one.She has no fear.I would prefer just a little when standing so close to a waterfall.
It was only one day away but it was enough to recharge my batteries for a little while any way.

1 comment:

Two Mittens said...

Sometimes a day of adventure is gold!
It's so energizing to see the melting and the blue skies and feel the warmth of the sun...unlike today!!!