Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring delights

Aaaaah spring has finally arrived and old man winter seems to have loosened his icy grip.I apologize for not being around for a while,but given the choice of being outside and enjoying the sunshine and keeping up to date on my blog,I'm afraid the sunshine is going to win out every time.

One of my most favorite things about spring is to see the "green stuff" coming up.It is very thrilling to see all the things that I planted the summer before, reappear.It makes me almost "giddy" to move the snow and dead stuff and discover tiny new leaves there to greet me.My grandpa was the biggest influence in creating my passion for gardening.I loved spending time with him planting the vegetable garden each year.He was always so patient and willing to share his knowledge.

Vegetables,flowers,fruit, you name it I like to grow it.Each year I add and plan and learn about what will and won't grow in the places that I plant them.I read books on soil,ph levels and mulching.I absolutely adore cottage gardens, so that is my ultimate goal.I love the fact that cottage gardens seem to have no rhyme or reason to them but they still look so beautiful.

This year I am headed into the back yard for landscaping.My front yard is not complete but it still looks good enough to hold its own for a season. This year I am planning to add a strawberry patch to the one side of my vegetable garden, build a shade garden, put up a fence,put up the new swing play center that we just bought for the girls and so much more.I'm afraid that I have more plans than time to do it! Anyway I will be back the last few days have been busy but I have so much I want to share with you......a day trip,two little girls on their bikes and Easter.


Two Mittens said...

What an exciting back yard!
Our ice rink is officially 'over' but we don't have much hiding under the snow.
Your yard is going to be wonderful. It seems I had not paid as much attention to our Foxy green-thumbed grandpa. I clearly missed out!

Proud Granny said...

You're garden plans sound great. Gardening is such a fulfilling activity. I, too, love to see the new growth coming up in the spring - it almost seems like magic.