Well, it is that time of year again. Thanksgiving.More often than not the only thing that people celebrate is the fact that it is a long weekend.(I include myself in this too) The very meaning of this day is almost lost amid the turkey and apple pie....(I'm making myself hungry just thinking about it)
To be quite honest sometimes I really don't feel like being thankful.Why is my mom not here to celebrate?Why is life so hard sometimes?Why can't things be easy once in a while?How is it that other people seem to have so much more? like a bigger house,vacations ect. and I can't even go somewhere for a weekend?
But then when I am finished my pity party I remember:
1.I have a home to live in.No matter how small,it is mine and we are sheltered.
2.My refrigerator and cupboards have food in them
3.Even though I hate washing them, we have clothes to wear.
4.I am a wife of a wonderful,loving husband who takes care of me.
5.I am a mother of two wonderful little girls.Whom I love dearly.
6.I am able to stay home with them when so many others are struggling to make ends meet with a two income household.
7.I have many friends and family that I get to be with and that care about me.
8.I have been given the gift of creativity and I love to use it.
9.We are all healthy.
10.Most importantly I am a child of God and because he loves me and I him.There is more than enough to be thankful for.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
well said, Kerry.
I agree completely!
and you have a nice camera and great talent ;)
lovely photograph!
every time I drive by the fields and hay bales I think how I would take pictures of them...except I'm driving and usually in a hurry to get somewhere...
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