Sunday, October 4, 2009

Potty training already?!

So "pumpkin pie" is almost 19 months now and some people feel that this is a great time to teach thier kids to go to the bathroom.No more wipes,diaper cream or nasty red rashes.No more gigantic mounds of dirty diapers smelling up the garbage and attracting endless amounts of insects.Its the moment we all wait for with great anticipation.

After my awful experience with "monkey" who only just this past year decided that using the toilet was a good thing(I tried to teach her when she was 21/2)I decided I am not going to push it.The first kid is the "guinea pig" or the test subject if you will.You try things out on them and then you use your successes and failures on the next one.

Anyway I had no intention of even bothering at this time because "pumpkin" understands simple commands but she still does not talk much or know how to undress herself yet.So whats the point it would just be complete misery for us both.

With that being said, someone forgot to tell "monkey".She has decided that in her role as big sister,she needs to take it upon herself to teach her baby sister to use the potty.The other morning "pumpkin" had wandered into our bedroom completely naked.So I inquired as to why "monkey had removed "pumpkin's" clothes yet again(she does it quite frequently).So "monkey" brought me to the bathroom to show me that she had put out the little pink potty and was trying to get "pumpkin to use it.The next morning I heard the girls had woken up so I decided to see what they were up to.Sure enough "monkey" had "pumpkin" laying on the bathroom floor trying to get her PJs and her diaper off.She had the little potty on the floor and the toilet ring on the big toilet with three stools pushed up to it.She was encouraging baby sister to "go potty".I couldn't help but just stand back and watch it was so funny and kind of cute.And hey.If she wants to teach her who am I to argue?.Thats one less thing I have to worry about! LOL. Now if I could just get her to change baby sisters diaper I would have it made!

1 comment:

Two Mittens said...

If that works would you please send G over here too!